SEO for Landing Pages

When entering a search query into a search engine, the search engine results page (SERP) will present a series of ranked sites. Landing pages are the first page you see when you click on one of those ranked sites on Google. For readers and potential customers, landing pages are the doors to your site. These are crucial for conversions, making it essential to optimize your landing pages. SEO best practices can help your landing pages reach their full potential.

Best SEO Practices for Landings

A landing page should include a call-to-action (CTA) and keywords that you want to rank for on a search engine. The goal is to draw users to your site who are looking for the services you offer. When figuring out how to optimize your site and implement an SEO strategy, landing pages are a good place to start.

Building Backlinks

When other sites link to your page, a search engine will see your site as trustworthy and boost your SERP ranking organically. A backlink is like a recommendation for your content. Creating original content, identifying influencers in your industry, reaching out to those influencers, and gaining backlinks are great ways to boost your landing pages. Choose your links wisely, though, as recommendations from untrustworthy sources can hurt your SEO.

Monitoring Page Speed

SERP rankings also factor in the page speed of your landing page. A slower page speed can increase bounce rates as readers will click away from content that doesn’t load immediately. Removing redirects and including smaller images can help reduce your site speed. Google has a PageSpeed Insights page; for more information, click here to access it.

Keyword Strategy

Making a list of relevant page terms will help identify what combination of terms someone might type into Google, called long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are easier to rank for and produce a higher return on investments. Once you identify the keywords you want to rank for, you should include them in your landing pages with title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and image file names. However, if they are overused, you risk being penalized by a search engine.

URL Structure

URLs can help communicate what content is delivered on your landing page. URLs shouldn’t be overly long, but you can use slashes to separate concepts. Your more important keywords should be placed first within the URL. This will help with your SEO and your overall landing page ranking.

Contact Us for Help With Landing Page SEO

Implementing all these best practices for your landing pages can be time-consuming but will pay off in the long run. Digital marketing firms like BluShark Digital put the work in for you so your site can reach its desired audience. Contact us today for a consultation on how your site can improve.