Episode 30: Consulting with Tim McKey

26 Jul, 2022

In Episode 30, Seth and Jay continue the discussion of coaching for lawyers and speak with Tim McKey of Vista Consulting.Tim Mckey co-founded Vista in 2009, working with business owners to assist them in defining and attaining success in their business and personal lives. Additionally, Tim is the managing partner of The McKey Business Group (MBG) CPAs. MBG is a small consulting CPA firm located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.Sponsors:BluSharkDigital https://www.blusharkdigital.com​ – SEO for Law FirmsPriceBenowitz https://www.pricebenowitz.com​ DC, MD, VA LawyersFirmFlex https://www.getfirmflex.com/social-supersystem/ – Social Media Marketing System for LawyersRuane Attorneys https://www.ruaneattorneys.com​ – Connecticut Criminal and Civil Rights LawyersMaximumLawyer https://www.maximumlawyer.com​For more information follow our page! https://www.fb.me/maximumgrowthlive