BluShark Digital 0:00
Welcome to The Conference Connection, your go to place to get the scoop on what conferences are coming up that you need to know about. Here are your hosts Paul Faust, President of RingBoost and Seth Price, Founder of BluShark Digital, and managing partner of Price Benowitz.
Paul Faust 0:17
What’s up Paul Faust here again with Seth Price, Conference Connection, here bringing you an update on what’s going on in the next month or so, conference world, where you need to be at why you should be there. So I’m gonna let Seth take it away first and then we’ll get into some of the conferences coming up. Well, look,
Seth Price 0:31
Well, look, it’s, it’s the summer pretty dead time. We have a pretty, we have a new arrival on the conference circuit from the NTL Association Management Group bringing us a, a Big Truck Conference that you probably know more about than I do.
Paul Faust 0:49
Yeah, this, it’s called Big Truck and Auto, uh, You can still registe. It’s in Chicago, August 11th-14th. Lot of great sponsors, Fireproof, Big Auto, Zip Leads, thet got a lot of great sponsors, a lot of great speakers.
Seth Price 1:05
Paul Faust 1:06
I know Mike-, BluShark, oh, you’re also sponsoring BluShark Digital another, I was looking at the sponsors pop up but I didn’t see it yet. You can still register there’s time. Great event, great speaker lineup focusing on truck and auto accidents, how to find them, how to try them, etc. So that’s the first one coming out of this
Seth Price 1:26
Right. And I think what’s interesting about this, you know, we always talk about, what’s, you know, look, people behind it, Chase Givens and The Association Management Group with Trevor, etc. These guys now know how to put on a conference. It’s the first of this, but we’re seeing a lot of different conferences in the trucking space. And nobody’s gotten rich betting against this group. I mean, NTL became the seminal conference of the year. First time they’re doing it, but I have no doubt they will bring together the trucking brain trust and make this an annual thing. You know, they don’t-
Paul Faust 2:00
Oh absolutley, I’m just looking at some of the legal speakers. Doug Beam from Douglas Beam. Dino Colombo, Christy Childers, Erica Chavez, James Carter. I mean, they’ve got some great speakers lined up, there’s vendors speaking, and coming out of the summer, right? We, you know, we just finished our first big AHA, which is sort of coming out of the summer, this is going to be the first one out of the gate, which was gonna lead us into a very, very, very busy end of year conference cycle. And, you know, these are the events we need to be at, these are the events, where we’re learning about what’s new, what’s going on. There’s a lot of stuff. And besides the tried and true trials, strategies, you got what’s going on in AI, how to kind of adapt to all the stuff, all the technologies is out there. So I’m looking forward to it coming up. It’s in Chicago, you can go to to register and see more of the agenda. And then right after that, September, jam packed, the ones I have,
Seth Price 2:58
Alright, so let’s, that’s just, August is usually hands off. So it’s interesting to see how somebody does in early to mid August, when a lot of people are on vacation, or kids are going back to school. But September, October is always jam packed is sort of the fall season, so to speak.
Paul Faust 3:13
Yeah. And people have ideas for new conferences, and they’re trying to find where to put them into that doesn’t, doesn’t overlap. I mean, like, you know, you look at even, you know, September there’s, you know, PIMCon’s got a new conference coming on, that’s gonna be out in Arizona, I believe that’s the 15th to like the 17th. Much more marketing focused. It’s going to be more an event. Music. That’s a new conference being put on by Chris Dreyer.
Seth Price 3:41
Dreyer’s an impressive guy and very thoughtful and I’m sure he’ll he’ll weave together great content.
Paul Faust 3:47
Great content, but, but again, this one’s more marketing focus.
Seth Price 3:54
More, less I think it’s interesting. It’s, I see a trend towards sort of perspective, a lot of thought leaders weaving that stuff together. There’s sort of a, I think that we’ve seen some of the conferences still have nuts and bolts, marketing tracks, but a lot of these conferences and I think Chris sort of led the way with this, have gotten to how do you change mindset? Where can you extract things from other industries? How do you bring people that have made it and done it? If you’re doing 20 million, and the guy on stage has done 100 million? How do you, how do you leverage what he’s done to get you there? I’m seeing a lot more of that.
Paul Faust 4:35
Yes, and something to keep in mind is, if you want to be 100 million firm, some firms want to be a really good 5 to 10 million dollar firm, so you get to pick and choose. Just want to throw it out there.
Seth Price 4:46
Well, I look going back to the person you mentioned before, like Doug Beam, great guy. This is a guy who stayed solo by choice. He’s an amazing trial lawyer. And what I love about these conferences is that they do bring that variety. It’s whatever, I, maybe for myself, I’m looking at I own world, what I’m looking at, but if you’re somebody who wants to stay solo, a lot of my friends like John Fisher and others, you know, there’s definitely a smattering of those people that have figured out how to make a buck just being great at what they do.
Paul Faust 5:12
At what they do. Right. So that one is It’s at the Venetian in Scottsdale, giving you some ideas. You know, you’ve got speakers like Dan Morgan, Michael Phelps is going to be there but you also have Mike Alder, John Barry, Amanda Demanda and Matt Dolman, Ed Herman, Jen Gore, Chris Dreyer, Mike Moore, John Nachazel, Shunnarah. I don’t know if you’re speaking at that one. Bob Simon, Dave Tho- so unbelievable speaker lineup. First event, Chris is a great guy, and I think he’s going to put on a fun event for everybody. But another one you should be at if you’re, if you’re more on that kind of marketing, sort of side of the business. And then you have I think, right after that about a week and a half later, I believe Xcelerator, CJ have their event in Nashville. I don’t know if that’s only open to their clients. I don’t believe so.
Seth Price 6:03
No usually, that, that’s, that’s, done with Chad, where Chad basically just gives his genius for three days. You know, I could never get sick listening to Chad Dudley. I think he’s one of the top three voices in the space and probably knows how to articulate raising case values better than anybody else out there. So I think that that’s one that’s less big picture focused, and more. How do you look at what you have today? And how do you make more from what you’re currently doing, rather than adding additional cases to inventory? Not that we don’t always want that it’s, CJ is a TV advertising group. But Chad is particularly good and thoughtful at articulating ways that you can work with your team to do more with less.
Paul Faust 6:50
Yeah, and I think that one I’m looking right now, September 26th. It’s Accelerate your average fee 2024 legal conference by 30%. And I think a lot of that is Chad, Steven, and James from Dudley DeBosier, are going to be talking about their success. So that’s another one, September, Nashville for those of you who just left Nashville, and there’s that one bar you forgot to go to, time to go to that one. But this one is also a lot about for your operators in your firm understanding your numbers, understanding how to look at your cases of which one should go to which lawyers and how to work the right files, and finding you know, the juice in that squeeze that you might be missing. So that’s a great one. And then right when you recover, you could just move to October, which is, you don’t really have to do anything except get an apartment, rent a house in Vegas. We got the mac-daddy of Mass Tort conferences. Which, I’ll let you talk about MTMP. I’ll let you take that one.
Seth Price 7:50
Sure. I really like MTMP. You know, it’s the definitive conference for mass torts. I think it is twofold. One is established players that go to network, learn. It also has an entire track dedicated for lawyers that want to learn about getting into mass torts. And they do a great job of onboarding people, getting them educated figuring out if you want to do it yourself in house, or whether you want to refer out to co-counsels. Other ones right before mass torts, sort of smaller firms, generally not as much PI, the ClioCon, CliCons been going on Austin, literally the Monday, Tuesday, leading into mass torts. And they put on, you know, this is, they’ve raised more money than anybody else in the legal space. It’s a billion dollar valuation. And they put on an insanely fun conference and have very thoughtfully brought together both interesting speakers, as well as people that just really help you figure out how to get the law firm, usually more off the ground, it’s much more of a zero to a million, although many of the Clio users are larger. The conference is generally a smaller firm landscape.
Paul Faust 8:56
So you got Clio into Mass Tort, then you get to go home, throw your clothes in the laundry, wash them, fold them, press them, and then you want to go right back to Vegas, yous got Dan Ambrose’s to TLU Live, a great conference. A lot of the tracks are for real trial skills, taught by trial lawyers, taught by experts. He does have some marketing tracks in there but this is really a trial lawyer conference and it’s great for that and that’s also in Vegas. I’m gonna pull it up while Seth, because you, I know you’ve been there and as a lawyer you know, you get to understand both sides.
Seth Price 9:27
And look, Dan’s a ton of fun. Him and Matt put on a great show. They bring people in, I know that after big verdicts are achieved. People come in and do a play, you know, a retrospective and post-mortem on on what went right. We see less of what went wrong but the people out there are trial lawyer’s, trial lawyers and they, yes, they do have marketing tracks, but it is really a trial lawyer centric conference.
Paul Faust 9:50
Yeah, that’s October 16th through the 19th at Caesar’s Palace. You can go to and get information on that. And then run, after you finish that, you got to go home quickly. I’m not even sure it’s worth going home. Because there’s another conference, which I believe you are speaking at called Lawyer Growth Summit, also in Vegas. So you can I know, you know a little bit about that. My friend actually is helping to organize that. But it’s really back to back to back
Seth Price 10:17
Look, I know I’m speaking, but I think you probably know more about it than I do. It sounds like it’s a first time, we’re really excited, putting a lot of resources into it. Should, should be, you know, again, you know, everybody’s trying to find that niche within the legal conference space. And they clearly are trying to bring their tribe and expand it in Vegas.
Paul Faust 10:37
Yeah, this Fontainbleau Aug-, October 23rd through the 25th, Pulling up some of the speakers you got Seth Price, Dustin, uh, Ruge, Ruge from law leaders. So the people from Case Status and you know, it’s a new conference, so you never know. But the agenda is going to, talking about intake excellence, empowering innovation there’s an intake panel, marketing experts, an AI panel, closing arguments, transformative AI so a lot of interesting stuff. First time out of the gate should be a good one. So literally, if anybody wants to get together, reach out to me, we can get a, we can get an Airbnb for the month just move ourselves to Vegas, we just need a laundry machine so we could press the clothes and get ready to rock and roll. That’s going to take us basically through the month of October and then we can even throw it into the business of law back in Scottsdale which is also where PIMcon is. We’ll talk about that next. We gave you enough to get through.
Seth Price 11:38
Absolutely. Well, yeah, a lot to do there, a lot of masterminds, we can talk about our future ones. Windy City Mastermind coming up as well as The Mastermind Experience. We’ll put more details on our next broadcast.
Paul Faust 11:50
Oh, yeah. The new one with Bill Biggs and John Nachazel. A lot coming up.
Seth Price 11:52
Oh yes, we got that, I think they only have four seats left as of time of taping, but it is an amazing, we should talk about that for a minute.
Paul Faust 12:00
Seth Price 12:01
Two of my favorite minds in the legal space. Biggs is just incredible on culture and operations. Nachazel outside of the Mi- if you could work with Mike Morris, and build what they’ve built there. Just, he’s a juggernaut. These two guys are coming together, bring your firms, first day is I think, equity partners. Second day, all trial lawyers working on how to actually, and Biggs gives credit to me on this. I was like, look, I love hearing Chad Dudley and others talk about how you increase case values. But it’s great to go hear at yourself. How do you get your whole team to do that? And so their vision is to take best practices of raising case values. Bring your team to I believe, Austin. So,
Paul Faust 12:46
Seth Price 12:46
First day with the principals, second day, they’ll put the entire, you’ll fly your lawyers there, you’ll go through the process they’re putting out, get buy in from all of them. And then third day, follow up and follow through on that. And the idea is that instead of just hearing about these things, we’re talking about all these conferences, they’re great, you take notes, you you listen to great speakers. The idea here is to bring your trial team out. And they were capping it at 15 groups. I believe there are four left, I think it’s a $15,000 buy in. But given the minds in that room, you know, really seems like quite a deal.
Paul Faust 13:23
Yeah, so, and I’m gonna tell everybody, me, look, I didn’t go to law school. But from what I’ve heard, bring your mind because you’re going back to school, you, bring your pens, bring your pads, bring your notes, they are going to go to school on these topics. And there’s two of the best in the business. So definitely one if you want to grab one of those, that’s not, that’s not four spots left for people that four left for firms. So four firms can still go and bring their teams. Thats gonna be an amazing-
Seth Price 13:48
Right, when you buy in, you get your whole firm to go, it includes your entire trial team.
Paul Faust 13:52
And I’ll wrap up this episode, we’ll say if you have an event, please tell us about it. If you’re a vendor in the industry and a lawyer, please share this. This podcast is paging our friends. We want people to know about what’s going on in the industry so we can all grow and all learn together. So let us know what’s going on. Please join us at the events, support these groups. We look forward to seeing you on the road, Seth and I are on the road a lot. So I look forward to seeing you.
Seth Price 14:17
Sounds great.
Paul Faust 14:19
Take care everybody.
BluShark Digital 14:21
Thank you for tuning in to The Conference Connection. Make sure to hit subscribe if you haven’t already. And we will see you for our next episode.
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