Join Seth and Jay as they debate about how much you should invest in branding.
Hello, hello and welcome to another edition of the law firm blueprint. You know I do these things, Seth, because when it’s an editing and I’m the one who’s doing the editing because we turn them around so quickly, I can see by scrubbing fast when we are ready to go so that’s you know, that’s that’s how I thought it was. Right? I thought you’re going with the hook I got Dennis you in the office this week, and he’s constantly the videos, they got to have a hook to bring him in the top three things that will keep oxygen flowing to you. So you don’t die, you know? Yeah, that’s what it’s that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it’s all about. So I want to check in with you. Of course, everybody, that guy over there Seth price from BluShark Digital, as well as managing partner of Price Benowitz. I’m Jay Ruane, I’m from the criminal mastermind. And of course, we both run our wonderful law firm blueprint Facebook group with over 2000 Law Firm owners trying to scale their firms and do better every single day. And so said, I want to chat with you this week and check in how’s your week going? You’ve you’ve been traveling, a little traveling, a little travel to come it’s crazy fall, we got a bunch of cool stuff going on this week is T Liu as well as Great Legal Marketing, which to me would be sort of like the great sort of full circle 15 years ago, sat in the back row of of a Great Legal Marketing, and met a couple, you know, legendary people at Lake and Emery ledger, I really went a different path and didn’t sort of join that heard but had been invited back to speak this year. You know, for the first time, which is kind of a great, a great honor to come full circle or place you sort of started out as a place where you’re now presenting and had. The other thing that happened this week is Dennis, UK, sort of a big name and the SEO and now the video space video, social space came by and he’s been on my pod, the SEO Insider PodCast of late, but he spent a day with the team at blue shark which is awesome. There’s no it’s just the mind that he has and where he’s what he’s seen and what he sees in the future. Just a great person to have the team leverage and bounce ideas off of and continue to sort of push forward and innovate together. You know, that’s one of the things that that we should even talk about a little bit about.
You know, we have a lot of great people in our audience. But one of the things that you always want to do when you have the opportunity is is really critically evaluate who you’re going to see speak, who you’re going to go and invest your time with. Because really, you you kind of want to be the dumbest person in the room, right? You don’t want to be the person that that has the ideas, you want to get knowledge and get inspired by other people. And so the more opportunities you have, the better one of the ones talking about just inspiration and that type of thing. A friend of the show, Melissa Shanahan is launching it as something new, you get some information about you know, just exactly it’s, you know, a business Mastery program, a lot of coaching groups out there, big fan of hers, she’s done some great stuff excited see what she does bring people together quarterly virtually, with, with coaching in between, look, I know you’re you’re starting to do some work with Doc Hazel, as we do on the on the, you know, with the with fireproof, I’m a big fan of just anything that gets people rowing in the same direction. And there’s no one size fits all and to a certain extent, you know, a nutcase will tell you this, like, a poor a plan that is poorly that is poorly executed better than, you know, no plan at all. And so the idea, I’m not getting his words exactly right. But the idea that finding whatever fits your ethos, but making sure you do something and continue. And I for a guy who sort of didn’t do as much coaching, you know, have Bill Biggs working on operations working with fireproof on our EOS s implementation, they do their own twist on it for law firms, but there’s no magic and my feeling is find something you like at a price point you feel comfortable with and run because every time I sort of am cynical about it, I take one of these different programs and I see actionable takeaways. And my team, for example, taking our head of operations and moving her closer to a see as a CEO, something that she may not have come in with naturally, or with that training. But using these different programs to uplevel your team. Again, there’s always the concern that somebody is going to leave but what do they say, you know, you know, train them, they may they may leave, but the worst thing is don’t train them. They may stay. Yeah, you know, it’s one of these things that there are compared to when you and I were starting out when there really was like you and me in the back of a room saying have you thought about this idea? Have you thought about that idea? And literally just sort of like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks
There are a lot of opportunities now for entrepreneurial lawyers. You know, there’s podcasts, obviously, like ours, there’s groups like ours, there are conferences, there are, you know, I mean, like NCL has got their business of law coming up, there’s a lot more focused on, hey, running the practice of law as a business. And it almost is like, you know, people out there could be drinking from a firehose, I mean, you and I both know, there, there are people who literally will, will go to everything. And I think that might nest, that might not necessarily be the best thing, because you get a little analysis paralysis, right? Absolutely. Every time you’re at a conference, you got a new idea, you come back with a book full of them, but you, but then two weeks later, you’re at something else, and you’re not really doing anything. And the reason why I want to bring this up is because, you know, often I get phone calls from people or messages saying, hey, you know, things are great. What can I do? I’ve done X, Y, and Z, I’m looking to start back at the alphabet, give me a I need to do something else to make the phone ring. And I, I’ve really found that a lot of people don’t necessarily give it time to let things actually grow the way they should. I’m sure you found that in the SEO space where people are looking for results in month two. And it’s tough to get organic results that quickly.
With all of this, and again, you’ve heard me say this before, right? To me a great conference. And as I started my head were hurt because I had so much to do, where you would basically take a notepad, you take notes, because I think you learn through that. And then you star, the things you think are important. And I’m a big believer flight home, don’t do it out, you’re gonna get when you get home, it’s too busy. You go and you basically make notes and you prioritize one through 10. And knowing you can’t get to short term more than three things, it won’t happen. I literally went through this, we had Dennis you at the office, we have 10 Great ideas from him. I will similarly take three right away for medium term and three are good ideas, but we can’t do them right away. Right. And I And I’ll say something that not all speeches or toxic conferences are created equal. I mean, you’ve known me for a while. I’m a big believer, even if I have blue shark as I am or refers to price Beto, it’s the way you make connections is adding value. Like on the show, right? If we teach and people like it, I don’t know, I know my referrals are up since I’ve done the show. I know that the people that call me out of the blue for blue, we’re not ever seen. You should send a case here, but you’re just building trust and adding value. Dennis was saying this giveaway all the ideas you have in the world because 98% of people will never do it. That’s certainly true with digital marketing. Right? Meaning, so thank God, that’s why we have a business. But I’ll tell you something that I had a life moment conference wise, because you know that I’m I go to many conferences, anybody. And I went to one that was not part of our normal world. One of the coaches that I got was from outside of the legal space to help David Britton and blue shark. And it’s the CEO Coaching International, and this is sort of like an A, if you know what YPO is, this is sort of like a high level coaching for very successful entrepreneurs, eight, nine figures, with some people having, you know, 10 figure exits, it’s that type of a group, and they brought in Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street, who’s done the circuit, right. I’ve been to conferences that he’s spoken at, et cetera. And one of the things that we identify that I’ve seen is he has a great story, right? The movies entertaining, he’s a great salesman, yeah. And he gave a keynote, which was fine. I didn’t learn anything. I sat through it, which is rare for me. But that isn’t where I got value, right? Because that’s inspirational. And if you need inspiration, go, but that’s where you’re saying, don’t keep going to conferences for inspiration, because that’s not going to make you money. Right. So I went to a breakout session, they had breakouts afterwards, where he’s in a small room overfilling with people on the walls, and he went into detail where he broke down his selling techniques, not the story that made him famous. But the idea of like, persuasion method is awesome, right? It’s, it’s a really, really good sales technique. And again, he spent an hour and a half, 45 minutes more than time a lot. And you could hear a pin drop in the room standing when there were 20 of us standing in the back of his tiny room. It was you get it’s out there other forms. But when I got that, it was just amazing talking about, you know, what level of certainty are people at getting them from one to 10? And then secondarily, how do they view you or the salesperson? And then third, how do they present receive your business? And each of those have to align and talking about moving it up? I mean, this guy, I mean, as he said in his keynote, it can be used for good or evil, but when you start dissecting the way he did, looking at sales that way I thought it was just brilliant. Engage Give me, you know, you’ve forgotten those values all the time, it took the back room, which sometimes you get with the speaker after they speak, but when you can get away from the stump speech, and you can get to that sort of extra value to me, that was just incredible. I’m happy to put in the comments a link to a YouTube that he has, it has much of what he discussed there, because I found it incredibly valuable. That’d be great. That’d be great. Okay, so that leads me to my next question. And this is something that you and I actually have a little personal disagreement on. We’ve gone back and forth, you’ve told me I’m crazy for doing what I’m doing. But I think it’s something that we should discuss. And, and I’m gonna just gonna lay it out there. I’m a big believer in building your brand, building on social beliefs locally, building and investing in building your brand. And it’s my understanding how you think that is necessarily incorrect that you should take that same money and time and put it into things like digital marketing to capture the hot leads, versus me saying no, no, no. There’s also a branding component that you need to have. So am I am I encapsulating? Yes, no, look, I we could have our normal like your raw camera. Look, I’ll state I’ll start off with I don’t think it’s step one I do I do as a 43, lawyer firms some branding? Yes. Do I go to conferences where it’s brand brand brand? And are there things you can do with it? Yes. But for many people take your criminal cadre from the mastermind, that brand only gets you so far. And if you have limited resources, you may never get over the hump of recognition that will get you the cases. Now, if you’re branding within a legal community that smaller, fine, because, you know, let’s say you go family lawyers get me to have the need for criminal people. And I know that so I’m going to brand to those people and put myself out there. But I would argue that for many people listening to the show, who have a b2c area with a non replicable need, where it’s not like you’re going after financial advisors, but you need somebody who needs a will. You need somebody who might get arrested or divorced, people are not going to retain that information with the spend that the average person here will put on it. And that if you don’t get to the point where a brand exists and their people Morgan has it, there are people in upstate New York Salina has it in New York, where you get to the point where you’ve created a brand, those guys are spending 10s of millions of dollars, right on brand. But if you don’t overcome that hump, to me, that is money that is going down and may not unlikely will not show you ROI in the short or medium term. And then if you need to keep the lights on and you want to build and grow, particularly in a criminal defense world use that as an example. But I think it can be used for PII or family that those dollars can get actual cases that will build your firm and bring good follow on clients and all sorts of positive attributes that if you pump the money into brand, you may have nothing to show for at the end of the day, where spent well, that actual search will make you a higher ROI. In the short and medium term, long term, you could build brand. But that takes a lot to get over and is generally early stage, I think, a fool’s errand and that you’re not going to be able to get there fast enough to be able to build and grow your firm. See that in here is where I can appreciate your sentiment, but I think you’re wrong. Okay, and here’s why.
Adidas had a brand with Kanye West. And they just cut ties with him. Now they’re they’re going to build continue to build their brand. They’re taking a little bit of a hit. But you and I know that we are not talking about scale, for the most part among people in our audience, and most lawyers in general, that rises to that level, right. And they don’t even necessarily rise to the level of Price Benowitz with you know, 40 plus lawyers, majority of people in our audience are local lawyers who have a niche practice, most likely in a in a in a small to mid sized community. And I think if you are investing a little bit of money now I’m not talking hundreds of 1000s a year I’m not even talking 10s of 1000s a year. I’m talking maybe a couple 1000 a year in targeting locally,
but that’s different. You try a couple 1000 a year a couple 1000 a month, 200 hours a month. Who cares? No, I’m
saying I’m saying you know what, I’m pushing you on this. I’m sorry. 1000 a month. You know, I’m not saying I’m not saying big money, but I’m saying $1,000 A month between YouTube ads between social media sponsored posts in a defined geographic area to establish your bonafides with the greater audience you In your 30 mile radius, or 50 mile radius, that’s going to provide just another point. And some of this stuff doesn’t even cost money. It just means being out being seen that type of thing, if you’re going
to do social and you love it, and that’s one of the things I’ll tell you, if they love it great, because you can do amazing stuff, stuff. We talked about Gen tennis you within others, where you can own an area. And there’s techniques that are being talked about where you could become part of that community fine. But for the average person, it’s just straight media spared, and it’s $1,000 a month. Look, I do it. So I can’t say not to do it. I don’t want to be a hypocrite. But I feel like for the average person, if if you’re a family lawyer and $1,000 gets you five viable leave that you could close to or in a good month three, that’s going to do you a lot more, you always talk about where do you spend the next 1000. And I think you’re spending a lot of money before you get to brand for the average startup law firm. And people watching us it’s a whole mix, there are people in major markets where they need to find a tiny little community. Again, if you if you say I’m going to brand in the b2b space different, where I’m going to own financial trust estates, I’m going to brand and get those those things and I’m going to target, you know, financial advisors, because those are fine. But if you’re just doing general brand out there, and you’re doing criminal, I don’t get it because people aren’t going to retain it when they need it. They’re going back to search, maybe somebody wants to see it. But I just think that you’re not going to get ROI. And if you ask me, somebody comes to you, and they’re spending, let’s say already $3,000 a month, whether it be on SEO or PPC and they have an extra $1,000 I don’t think they’re ready for brand that you’re not going to get that ROI, you’re better off with direct LSAS
says, we’re not talking about I’m not talking about a widget that we’re selling, that you know, next week, or next year is gonna get knocked off by some company out of China. Lawyers themselves have a 40 plus year career and establishing your brand early letting people know what you stand for, is gonna help you land cases in 20 years to you know, you’ve got to you got to stand for something.
I so many of you go statistically the people watching this 10 years ago, did they have the same brand? They merge with somebody else? Did they switch from person to you know, type of law type of law person? Will it hurt you? It will hurt you? But is it where the next dollars are spent? I think that there’s an over that, like when you get over to a certain point brand wings, I get it. But until you get there, that your first dollars, you can spend a lot of money sort of pissing in this.
I’m not saying I’m not advocating for people to start running TV commercials
understood, but the first $1,000 So what to me, I’m going to push back on you and say hey, there may be a time and place for it. But what level of paid search and or SEO and or whatever else you’re doing. Just like if somebody comes to me and says I’m in the b2b, I’m in a b2b law space. You’ve heard me say this before. First thing I say is don’t do SEO, unless you’re doing everything else you should be doing. Are you going to a dinner? Do you have a eating club? Do you have season tickets? Are you holding a breakfast for people in your space? You have all those things? Okay, great. I have a five lawyer firm, I’m doing all those things. Now let me SEO, it’s the industry great. But to me, there are there’s an order of operations. And that brand is not an immediate thing. You can waste a lot of valuable resources early, that could build your firm with proof of concept happy clients that will send people back that brand comes and goes and isn’t remembered meaningfully unless you get over that branding hump, where you’re spending enough to have multiple touchpoints.
Maybe we’re defining brand differently. And that may be because I don’t necessarily think of brand as just, you know, your logo hammering people over and over. Part of my brand as my firm involves the care and customer service that we have. Part of the brand of my firm includes our knowledge in the area of DUI defense and domestic violence defense, which is what we’re known for. And so by going out spending time speaking, letting people know I exist and all of that to me is building brand new $1,000 this month in in having my slide deck professionally produced and go up and teach a bunch of lawyers.
Listen that that’s a bunch of lawyers. That’s different. That’s not brand that’s b2b marketing. I’m all for
I know you’re I disagree. I disagree. But
you’re the whole time. Are you going to a slide deck to like a random shape like a random thing? Are you going to targeted stuff?
Oh, I’m going to targeted things and I’m
not brand that’s I mean, it’s random. That’s a subset of brand. And that’s what I’m saying. If you ran your ads to the legal community, I get that as a referral piece. But if you’re saying, I’m going to put media against the general population, where they’re looking at everything else, yeah,
I’m not talking. I mean, there are one of the wonderful things about digital marketing now is that you can actually target the people that are more likely to need you based on your consumer list. You go in
with that. That’s the hard part about criminal. That’s why to me, my when I see lawyer, young lawyers, should I I’m doing criminal? Should I do BNI? I’d say no, no,
I would say no, absolutely. Those are business owners, they don’t need.
But it’s grandma’s favorite follow to the J. Wayne, it’s brand they might need you at some point they do. But if not enough of the use of your time to do that, that you’re better off, you know, you’re nothing. If you did B and I every week for a year, you’d get a couple of cases, it’s just not a good ROI on your time, in my opinion. Whereas the Jay Wayne model where you went and did stuff against the grain, where you went to the Bar Association, or whatever general meeting of lawyers are, and you said, I’m the DUI guy, I get it. That’s genius. But putting pre rolls on to the general population that’s not to lawyers. I don’t I don’t get it fully at an early stage, there’s a place for it. But with a nominal budget, and with a choice, because we always talked about on the show, where do I spend my next 1000? I don’t think that the early stage firms are spending their next 1000 on brand. And that you could use, you could piss away valuable resources without any cases. On Case in point I spent like up to 3000 a month on brand on pre roll and all that stuff. I don’t see direct ROI. It’s very hard to get ROI period. Again, maybe I can’t track it. Maybe it’s one of the 17 points somebody has before they get to my firm. So I’m doing it. But that’s stuff that I do once I get to a significant budget. I was very, very focused on paid search, organic search, making sure for the transactional things like criminal like family that were there at that moment, over a career. Absolutely. But short term, I’m very, I think that where you sit now is different than much of our audience. Well, I
just think that, you know, if you’re going to, I think there should always be some attention paid to your brand in the market and how you can position yourself to be the one that people think of when they address the issue that you solve. And that’s and that’s really what I talk about what I what I mean, Brandon, I want I want other lawyers, I want other business people I want. I want people thinking Jay Ruane equals DUI,
right? And I’d say that at the point you’re at, you can do that you have multiple lawyers, but for the average person was one, two, even three,
but I was that one guy. So I understood that I was doing it too. I was getting out there. I was given
so good. But the first but the first day you were getting out there with sweat equity. If you had money to spend you were doing PPC because it worked really well then, right? Early days $1,000 was a lot of freaking cases.
My first my first pay per click costs for assigned case. I shit you not was two sets. I got a case for two sets. Could you imagine if you could get a case in tip
biomarine for two sets, I just look to show that like we had a situation somebody gave us a new technique for retargeting testing, I was used my own firm, it’s test, I wake up, there’s some absurd amount of money spent on retargeting. And I was like, I’m getting the Oh, no, don’t worry, Google crawls it back, because apparently they like you give them a budget and Google likes to blow it away. My point is, it’s it’s a constant, like, you know, figuring out different angles of how do you get it, but it’s no longer two cents. I was spending more than that on our own brand. I know lawyers, TV advertisers that are spending five figures plus monthly just protecting their brand of final point which meant the pivot off but something that comes up that we if we want to sort of end this, you’d love to hear your final thoughts on it. But something that came up the other day was people buying other people’s brand names for PPC. So we have never advocated I think it’s kind of nonsense. I’m sure it makes a buck. But something had come up just for the audience to be aware before you get too excited because you’re going to see other people you coming up for your name and pay per click. One of the things to be careful about is before you get too excited a nice notes than just asking them to make you a negative keyword goes a long way. Because Google has gotten to the point now where yes, some people are evil in there buying your name. Most people are not it’s that when you do pay per click, whether it be for your firm or whether you’re doing it for your law, firm blueprint, whatever. If they see somebody else searching for something that is in your world, then they will show that ad. So for example, if another if I’m making this up, but let’s say somebody was searching for crisp and they you had budget for the law firm blueprint and the person is a criminal lawyer, they’re going to show your ad knowing there’s a chance that Google can make a buck That’s why they’re so rich. And so before you get too excited that somebody’s actually infringing on your IP, we got a crazy person yelling at us the other day, there’s a better than even chance I pay 80% Likely, it’s Google. That’s your problem, not the person.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. I agree with that. Google’s nefarious when it comes to stuff like that. You know, they introduced their session based retargeting, so I could be searching for a plumber. And if you know, three hours ago, I searched for a lawyer. You know, when I look for a plumber, they could serve me ads. And what’s frightening to me is that, you know, so maybe somebody is searching for a plumber or doing a session based retargeting session. And they’re not searching for a lawyer. But they click on my ad, because it looks interesting, who’s this lawyer, they click, click, click, and now I just paid $175, not two cents for that click because somebody stayed in my site for a little while, they count that as a valid, valid click through, I’m not getting refunded. But I’ve just paid for somebody to just learn what they wanted to learn about the DUI process or the criminal law process. So you know, Google’s as really push the envelope as to what, what the right thing to do is, I guess, in some of these situations, so it’s definitely something that you got
to look out for. Right. So just to conclude, I’m not anti brand, I just feel like you have to be careful that when you’re starting out that you’re not going to get to a point not that you shouldn’t be aspiring to be J. Ruane and known by everybody in that. But if you’re to do it, I think you’re gonna get much better ROI in a b2b Which is why when you look at any marketing group, there are a lot of them Steven Fairley over the years was like so good at early paid Facebook, that it worked for him because he had a fishbowl of potential customers. If you look at it, like you have a fishbowl of b2b referral sources, great. I just think when you move into the b2c world, it is easy to justify it with brand, but not to piss away a lot of money, and then not be able to justify the ROI on it.
No, I definitely don’t think you should be spending a ton of money on it. But I definitely think it should be part of your conversation and things that you’re thinking of. And branding goes so far as you know, making sure that you have color consistency across your website and your promotional materials, you know, a shirt, I mean, a sharp logo, you know, all of those things. It’s not just one thing or the other and making sure that you’re, you know, you’re updating your GMB or GDP.
That’s That’s my bread and butter. I’m just saying the idea of media against b2c brand is a very tumultuous world. That should not be like there should be three points before you know, you think it’s a great idea. Because you listen to Jay, you sleep on it, you then you know, you sort of think about what could I do with that same money. Next question, Jay would ask is it better to do it on this or that and the moment you sort of get to the point where you’ve slept on it, you’ve you’ve said, Hey, that $1,000 could buy me X, Y or Z in different areas. And I’m still good with it fine. But to me, that’s the issue is, are you every time you spend money? are you evaluating what the other options for that are?
Awesome. All right, that’s gonna do it today for here on the law firm blueprint. Thank you all so much for being with us. And we’d love to have you as a member of our group. If you are not one yet. Please join us in the law firm, Facebook, Facebook law firm, blueprint Facebook group. That’s a mouthful right there. And of course, you can always catch us live every Thursday 3pm, Eastern 12pm Pacific, right here, live on Facebook, as well as in a number of different groups that are out there. And then if you want to take us on the go you wherever podcasts are available Google Apple, Spotify, or wherever, just search up the law firm blueprint. Make sure you give us a Follow, follow so that every time we drop a new episode, you are notified, and it is ready to go. You got something
to say I was walking to a conference got out at the valet, and this guy says can’t talk to you now and listening to you. It was a great experience.
That’s awesome. You know, it’s funny, I don’t go to conferences really anymore. I’m sticking close to home. And although I don’t know, I may be joining you in Miami at the end of January. We shall see. But, you know, I’m looking forward to those days when people say that they’re listening to me as I as I bumped elbows and shoulders, in hallways of conferences. You’re just always at a conference, right? Well, I
was gonna say anybody who’s had anything better to do go go do that. Now. I’m just going to talk to Jay the Yanks. I just devastated. It’s just crazy. So
let me ask you, do you think they have it in them to to actually make a run or are they do we have to get rid of Aaron Boone?
Well, that’s another question like if I were manager was symbolic, but we don’t have the pitching. And if you don’t have the pitching you can’t you know, as you see in the Yanks have done this since let’s call it the core for error that as you get you know we don’t have Mariano there’s we don’t have middle living in relief. No, not that anybody has Mariano. But the idea that You rely upon sluggers and to in the outfield right and there’s not an average slugger so once in a generation slugger but a demonstrates a pitching beat setting when you get to the elite point where they’re, you know two teams left right you got to get through the Astros you gotta get through the Phillies. We didn’t know what the Phillies but an elite team that yes, there are times when hitting matters and Phillies saw that, but you got to be in it to win it and they were just not even close. Like this wasn’t like you didn’t say oh my god, I can’t believe they got swept. You’re like that’s about right. This wasn’t a devastated you. They barely got through Cleveland in some respects. And they, you know, and the worst part was, their defense didn’t help them. Well,
they had you know, and I mean, in reality Cleveland almost found a way to win by playing small ball they didn’t dunk hits and that type of thing. I mean, if you look back to when the Yankees had their last big run, you know you had cone PEDOT wells, you went standard for long relief you had at first you had wetland you had Mario’s and wetland that just Mariano which was you know the time right you know, we are missing that long middle reliever we’re missing that third starter we’re missing a closer that’s a lights out closer. I mean, you know, yeah, you can’t bank on a home running. So
year after year, a rod How many times is that for once? Did it did it just shut down? And if not like he’s all you know, but for roids he’s the Hall of Fame guy, right? It’s like Hall of Fame doesn’t be great pitching. You know, what do you do at best? At best? You’re going to be a 333. Guys, one.
I liked some of the new kids that are coming up. I think data is gonna be great. I hope they resigned judge and make him the captain. I’m a big proponent that he had 30 is worth, you know, 300 million for tangible
Dodgers keep ponying up, you’re gonna let him go there. Like think about it with what they’re charging and what you’re paying for seats next season they can have that’s not a crazy number for that at all.
Not at all. I mean, they’ll sell 300 million worth of jerseys.
You said it before. I couldn’t agree with you more. We disagree. Like that alone on a branding play. Let him go. Like, what’s your you know, he is the focus of the team. Right. And you know, like I see it like being a Cavs fan watching, you know, Ovechkin here, right. Regular Season hockey. They’ve had one championship, but they’ve been good for a lot of years. They sell out every game. Yeah, those key players make a huge difference. And and what kills me when you’re looking at the Yanks? Is that like I don’t I just don’t see it changing anytime soon. One thing that nobody’s talking about is we lost father Steinbrenner. I got we have somebody else. And it there’s a certain business owner imperative of winning. That doesn’t seem to be there. And it sucks. I feel like when you look at the number of years since a last championship, you know, we’re looking at the CBS years the horse pork yours, and it just it’s tough to stomach.
It is this. Alright folks, that’s gonna do it for us. Thank you so much for being with us. We will commiserate over another long offseason cold weather for the Yankees, but we’ll be back in the spring. But in the meantime, check us out next Thursday, when we’ll be talking all about legal marketing, scaling your business running it with systems and maybe maybe some more baseball tech
giants or jets. You haven’t had this but good. Hey, I’m going with
Ryan nickim on Sunday to see the Jets versus pats. And I think the Jets are gonna win. I’m really looking forward to that. That’s going to be a fun time. Awesome. Awesome. Thanks so much, folks. Have a great weekend. We’ll see you next week here live on the law firm blueprint. Bye for now. Transcribed by
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