S6:E11: Crash Course on Consulting with Chad Dudley | LFB Summer Series

S6:E11: Crash Course on Consulting with Chad Dudley | LFB Summer Series

Welcome to the second edition of The Law Firm Blueprint’s #SummerSeries! In this episode, Seth and Jay are joined by a special guest, Chad Dudley, founder of The Law Firm Xcelerator. Chad shares invaluable insights on his experience consulting for successful personal injury law firms, emphasizing the importance of mastering the basics before adopting the latest technologies, identifying a firm’s true goals, and focusing on key performance indicators. Whether you’re aiming to grow a multi-state juggernaut or perfect your solo practice, this conversation is packed with actionable advice. Chad discusses the common pitfalls law firms face and how to avoid them. He explains the critical steps in evaluating a firm’s current position and setting realistic goals. Chad also highlights the importance of leveraging strengths and delegating effectively to build a thriving practice. 


Jay Ruane 00:07

Hello, hello, I’m coming to you live from Scranton, Pennsylvania and welcome to The Law Firm Blueprint, I’m one of your hosts Jay Ruane, with me as always, my man Seth Price down there DC, Maryland, Virginia with Price Benowitz, as well as BlueShark Digital, but we are joined today by a very special guest, t- Seth, tell us who we got!

Seth Price 00:26

We got Chad Dudley, one of the smartest guys in our space, it hurts when I when, when I talk to him, you know, founder of this Juggernaut firm and,

Jay Ruane 00:35

By the way, as of right now, The Law firm Blueprint is Jay and Chad Dudley, Seth, see you later. Why am I talking to you? We got the smart guy here. And we do we do.

Seth Price 00:47

Humble, the guy Bill Dudley DeBosier, acquired CJ advertising and now as The Law Firm Accelerator. Welcome Chad, thrilled to have you here.

Chad Dudley 00:55

Thanks for having me. It’s very kind words.

Seth Price 00:57

Look, you have not only built something yourself, which I, we both know is Jay and I both know is not easy, but have had sort of gone inside of more PI law firms specifically, and looked at, you know, all the mishegoss and all this stuff going on. You know, if you could distill all of your hours of agita, looking at the nonsense, what what are some of the takeaways that you see that the mortals like us that create law firms are doing that we probably shouldn’t be doing?

Chad Dudley 01:33

That you’re doing that you shouldn’t be doing? I think,

Seth Price 01:37

What’s the, what do you, when you open the, when you open the kimono and you look at what’s going on, what are you finding that you’re just like this is nonsense. And if people weren’t doing these things, they’d be making a lot more money?

Chad Dudley 01:49

Well, there’s a short answer, and there’s a long answer. But we’ll start with the short answer, the short answer is that there’s a lot of firms that want to run before they walk, they want to, they want to hear about the latest in technology, they want to use the most, the hottest vendor that’s currently out there, they want to get on the best software, all this kind of stuff, right? And those are all good things. And you should stay on top of all, whatever’s out there. But you should also take care of the basics, right, you know, I work with these firms, and they want to apply 20 different things. But like I’m like, do you call your clients frequently? Do you measure? Do you have meaningful interactions with them? Are you identifying your best cases? Are you getting demand letters in on time? You’re not negotiating too long? Are you, are all the blocking and tackling things that firms need to do? Are you doing those things at a very high level, because you have total control over them, you don’t need super crazy high technology to execute. And if you’re not doing those things, it’s, it’s great they’re using AI to get your demand letters out. But, that’s, you know, that’s, that comes along after. And I think that what I see with firms is that they want to just fall in love with the technology, the service, even consultants, and they need to just, you don’t need to do 100, things you need to do like the three to five things that are right for your firm. At this time, for the firm you’re trying to build with the resources you have. And that’s the challenge, right? The challenge is not finding 100 things that will make your firm better, that’s easy. It’s, what are the three to five things that really matter to your firm right now. And crowdsourcing, Simplify things.

Seth Price 03:35

Yeah, no, understood, and crowdsourcing your experience, right? Because not,

Chad Dudley 03:39

Oh my gosh, Seth.

Seth Price 03:41

No, look at the three to five things, you know, between CJ, and Accelerate and your prior iterations of consulting, you have seen a lot of firms, and I get it, right. If you don’t, if you don’t answer the phone, I was just on just on a webinar today, you know, you don’t answer the phone? What good is it? You know, one of the things we pushed for early on, as you were growing was just touches per month, you know, are you, you know, what do you see as the three to five things that law firms, you know, forget about everything else, these are the things that not that you shouldn’t have software and you shouldn’t do these things. But what are the three to five things that, you know, ignore at your peril?

Chad Dudley 04:17

Well, the first thing I always ask with firms, when I get called into work with firms, what are you trying to build? Because there’s there’s a bunch of different successful firms and they look wildly different and I’ve worked with all kinds, I’ve only worked with personal injury firms, but I’ve worked with all kinds of personal injury firms. And are you trying to build a multi state juggernaut that signs up, you know, 1000s of cases a month, okay, you can go down that path, and there’s a way to do that. Are you, do want to be a solo practitioner, you only take a small amount of potentially high value cases. Okay. There’s, there’s a way to do that. Are you something in between, you know, a handful of attorneys? Are you trying to be you know, regional statewide, citywide? Why, what, what are you trying to build? And you have to start there. Because there’s different strategies for depending on what direction you go, are you going to be referred out firm? Will you generate leads? And just send the bulk of them out? Are you going to do mass torts? Are you going to be like a hybrid? So I need to know what the firm is trying to build. And based on what they’re trying to build, I then go into, let’s do an assessment, and I always compare it to, if doing a cross country trip, you know, going from LA to Miami, I need to know where your, where’s your ultimate destination? Is it Miami? Okay, cool. I know where that is, we’ll, the next thing you need to know is where you’re starting from. Because the path if you’re if you’re going to Miami from LA, that’s one path. If you’re going to Miami from Chicago, that’s a different, different strategy. And so I need to know, so I ask the firm where they want to go, the next thing I do is assess where they’re at, what are the resources, what are the assets that they have, and, and so I’ll do a pretty thorough assessment with the numbers or the KPI, key performance indicators, and gather a lot of information. And I go, alright, you’ve told me what you want to be. I can tell you what you are. And let’s, let’s bridge the gap. Let’s talk about what is the most efficient way to get there. And so to answer your question, what are the what are some of the big things that firms don’t get right? And one of the things that is shocking that they don’t get right is they don’t take the time to sit down and go, what am I trying to build? Like, what am I? What am I doing all this for? And when you don’t know what you’re trying to build, you don’t know where you’re trying to get to? Everything is a shiny object, everything sounds good, every- you just, you’re going all over the place. And you’re super inefficient, when you know what you want, it’ll allow you to say no to certain things, it allows you to zero in on certain things, it allows you to make better decisions. And so those two things, where are you going? We’re, and a really honest assessment of where you’re at is important. firms want to sometimes, say they want to build a really great litigation firm. And as we sit here today, the attorneys that they have on board haven’t tried any cases, well, you got to close that gap somehow. But you, to close that gap, you got to be honest with where you’re at. Doesn’t mean you can’t get there. Doesn’t mean that, there’s there’s ways to get there. It’s just, it’s different depending on where you’re currently starting from. And so that’s where I usually start, once I do the assessment, I’ll pick, again, I’ll have conversations with the owners of the firms we’ll pick two to, you know, three to five things that we’re going to focus on. What happens as you know, Seth in running a firm, you say, you know what sounds like a great idea A, B, and C, and then you kind of get into it, and you have to course correct a little bit, they say, you know, every plan is perfect until the first shot is fired, every quarterly planning session is perfect until you actually get to work and have to execute. I think Mike Tyson probably said it better, every fighter has a plan until it gets punched in the nose, right. And we all get punched in the nose a lot. And you got to, you got to adapt, but it’s easier to adapt if you have have a plan versus just winging it.

Seth Price 08:07


Jay Ruane 08:08

So, Chad, what I want to talk to you about is, you, you’ve been able to talk to a lot of high, high impact players in the personal injury market. And it sounds to me like that first part of the conversation is really somewhat therapeutic in that, like, what do you really want? But do you often find that lawyers are kind of lying to themselves, and it takes you a little while to get them to truly be honest about what they want? Because, you know, hey, at my board, I’d want to do certain things. But if you really get down to it, yeah, my heart’s not in it. I love the idea of it. And I can put, but it’s almost like you kind of need like 60 or 90 days of actual therapy, before you can really get to where you gotta go. So talk a bit talk to me about how that, like unpacking that can happen.

Chad Dudley 09:02

Thats a great-

Jay Ruane 09:03

Because our listeners, you know, are struggling with that, you know, they see the grass is greener. And my response to them is, yeah, the grass may be greener, but there’s dirt under every grass, we got to get through the dirt first, right? And it’s really hard for people who don’t have a coach like you to really have those sort of honest conversations because they don’t have somebody pushing back. But how do you push back against that and say, is this really what you want? Like, really, really?

Chad Dudley 09:29

That’s a great question. And, you know, I grew up, I grew up playing competitive tennis, I played at a national level, international, and then played division one college and so the question you always ask yourself, when you’re growing up, I want to be a professional tennis question you always ask yourself, when you’re growing up, I want to be a professional tennis player. And a lot of people said it. The question is who’s going to do the stuff it takes, right who’s gonna put in the hours, the practice the discipline, all those things to back up what they want to be with, with the stuff that it takes to get there. And it’s very similar, just, you hit the nail on the head. And really, in every industry, and everything that they do, look at people that are really great at what they’re doing. They had a vision for what they wanted to be, but they also backed it up with, with massive action. Right? And yeah, there is some of that, right? I think the, you know, take, for example, right now, you know, it’s cooled off a little bit, but there’s still a good bit, you got a lot of attorneys, hey, I’m gonna, I’m going to get involved, and get cases off social media, right. And I’m going to, you know, I’ve seen people get on social media and during cases, and I want to be one of those guys. And so saying that without understanding what it takes, I mean, they don’t, do they know, these guys have, like, you know, an army of video editors, they’re shooting 20-30 hours of content a week. They’re not, it’s a lifestyle. It’s not a hobby.

Seth Price 10:53

And it’s on camera.

Chad Dudley 10:54

Yeah. Like, if you don’t like, if you don’t like that, if you don’t, if it’s not like breathing to you. That’s not the strategy I’m going to pick for you. Right? Because you’re not being honest with your own strengths, weaknesses, you know, good to great is like, the hedgehog concept. Right? It’s, you know, what, do you have the chance of being great at? Right, what do you enjoy doing? And what makes money? And I think, owners, when that’s, that’s kind of the next step in the conversation is, ok that’s great that you want to build this type of firm, personally, you know, and I go through like the, you know, the five pillars, you know, like, how do you get cases in the door? How does the firm manage its money, right? How do you run the back office? How do you run the delivery of legal services? And then how do you manage your talent, right? So I take those five things, I’m like, alright, law firm owner, you want to build this type of firm, in order to build that type of firm, you need to cover these bases in a certain way. And I hate, dealing with these guys, will go, I hate HR, and, and I hate all the back office operational stuff, okay? You gotta get someone to cover those bases that really can be the best at it, generates a firm money, and they wake up thinking, I love doing this, I can’t believe I get paid to do this, right? And so we get in those conversations and you can, the biggest asset is, you know, the owners that are self aware, right? Who’s the philosopher, philosopher that says, you know what the key is not to fool yourself. The problem is, you’re the easiest person to fool. Right? And you don’t want to, it’s so hard, because we really have to do some digging, going, man, I’m not great at that. And I need to like, let go of that, when you were starting off your firm, you wore a bunch of different hats, you do everything because you just have to, it’s part of it, you make the coffee, you fix the computers, you negotiate cases, you handle marketing, that’s everyone’s journey. As you get bigger, you got to let go of the things that, again, you’re not good at. And you got to be super honest with yourself that man, you know what, you know, who’s killing the culture? I am. You know, he’s like, not making us the best litigating firm? And you have to adapt and gravitate towards your strengths. We always say, look, we built our firm on us maximizing our strengths, my partners, and I maximizing our strengths, not trying to fix our weaknesses, that we try to minimize the damages, the damage that our weaknesses do. But you know, what, my weaknesses are never going to be my strengths. And so zero in on the things that, that you’re like, I can be great at this, it makes the firm money, and I love doing it, and make that your shot, to get back to the tennis reference. You know, the top players never got great by making their backhand their weapon, when it wasn’t their weapon, it was like I got the biggest serve, I’m gonna build my whole game around that. And that’s gonna be my style. Firms, you know, key people at your firm are very similar, maximize their strengths. And back to the question that you brought up. Yes, there’s a lot of that, that goes on they go, I want to be this, I want to do that, and kind of get down the path, they’re like, you know what? Now that I see it, I think I’m gonna gravitate more towards this because that suits my personality, it suits the assets that we have, I think, you know, we can be great in this section. And I’ve seen firms, just like talking about like, submarkets of DMA’s, doing great, making a killing, they start off wanting to conquer the world. And then they go, you know what, I’m just gonna carve out this niche. And I like this, I like, this fits the life I want to build. This fits the firm that I want to build. This is who I am. And vice versa. I’ve seen guys that were intimidated by growing a monster practice. And they kind of get into and they’re like, okay, you know, a lot of things that I thought were gonna be terrible aren’t that bad. I think I could fix them. Let’s let’s keep growing this thing, and it grows like that. So yes, yes, we start off with asking those questions. But ultimately, you got to kind of, the rubber has to meet the road and you got to continue to be honest with yourself to figure out is this the right firm that you want to build.

Seth Price 15:00

Jay and I have been sort of meeting with, you know, we talk to different coaches during this series, and Jay sort of brought up you know exactly what you talked about. It’s knowing what you actually want. If you want to be a solo, and you want to have great litigation cases versus you want you want to expand, how do you think somebody should go about and you know, in the last five years, the proliferation of coaching has become tremendous. How does one go and evaluate? First what’s, you know, legit? And then secondly, what’s right for you?

Chad Dudley 15:31

Yeah, no, absolutely. It is crazy. Because I think, you know, gosh, I’ve been doing this for 15 or 16 years, I started off with Tim McKee who you know, really, real well with VISTA, we, you know, started Vista consulting, and it was, there’s nobody out there. There’s maybe like, Atticus, there’s like a few. There’s guys, that did consulting for law firms. And those guys are great, by the way, and I think, but it was really sparse. I think we kind of got rolling and Ken Hardison and PILMMA got rolling, and then almost like, it wasn’t till almost like a decade later, right? All, you just saw this proliferation of seminars and coaches and, and they’re all over the place, which I think is a good thing. I think we got a lot of smart people out there. There’s a lot of people that are doing just some really great stuff. And I think it’s good for our industry. I think what we do as personal injury attorneys is, it’s a noble profession, despite what some people might might say, I believe in what we do, I think we generally provide a much needed service to people that are in need. And I, I love working with [inaudible] firms, I love the people I love, just, I love every every part of it. And, and there are a bunch of good coaches out there, great coaches out there, I think the biggest thing is going, look, find out who do you gel with like, who do you, you got to, if you’re going to be spending a chunk of time you have a bunch of conversations, you guys got to connect with the coach, like, if you don’t like hanging around the coaches, for whatever reason, that ain’t the coach for you. And I think the other thing is, you know, just going does this, does this person know what they’re doing? You know, because I think that there’s, I would put, you know, if you look at some of the coaches out there, you have not like generic coaches, there are people that will, will coach you at a very generic level. And those guys can be good. And you can come from different industries. And they can bring some outside insight, like what I mean by that is the basics of, you know, annuals, strategic planning, quarterly rocks, execution, there’s some basic things that apply across all industries and can help almost all firms right, and that’s, that’s one style coach, then you got like, an industry expert, who’s like, hey, they know this industry, they’ve worked with firms that have been, or are at where you’re trying to go, they know the path to get there, they’ve let other people down that path. And in addition, you know, and that’s, that’s, that’s awesome. Now, the the sweet spot is if you get someone that’s, that kind of has disciplines in both, they know how to, the mechanics of it, and they also have the industry insight, I think that’s the, that’s the sweet spot. And, and those are things. The other thing is that, you know, what I’ve learned, and it’s another long trip was that when I finished playing college tennis, I’m like, you know what, I’m gonna go teach tennis for two years. And you’d be surprised being a high level tennis player does not make you a high level tennis coach they’re two, it gives you a great shot at it, it gives you a leg up, there’s no doubt about it. But back to the analogy is, as a coach, my job is not to go point out the 100 things that you’re doing wrong as a firm, or the 100 things that will make your firm better. The art, because like if I was teaching someone tennis, thing, there’s things that I do that are like breathing to me, because I’ve done it forever. And if I just, if I just tell you all the things are going through my head when I watch you hit a forehand, it is going to be overwhelming to you. And you’re gonna get frustrated and you’re gonna go, Chad is a terrible tennis coach. And so my job is to make it simple. And to get you to focus on three things, right? And let’s just work on those things, then we kind of make it, then we kind of progress. And I think that’s where good coaches. Really, that’s one of the places they shine is that they can cut out the noise, because all your clients, when you’re in our space. I read this book, I went to this conference. I found this list of 100 things that are great ideas, Chad, let’s do all of them, and they are all great ideas, and they’re, all would be great for your firm. But you can’t do all 100. And we got to narrow it down to three. So that’s, that’s part of the thing that you’re looking for in a coach, do they have the ability to do that? How do they have a history of doing that? You know, those are all important. And but, that’s, those are some things you should look-

Seth Price 20:18

Chad, it’s so funny you say this, because for a guy who took up tennis about seven years ago, and trying to get from a 3.5 to a 4. And my coach does exactly this. If I give him everything at once, he’s gonna get nothing. But if I try to get like these two things into his forehand, it like actually might move the needle.

Chad Dudley 20:34


Seth Price 20:35

I get it. When it comes to law firms. One of the criticisms of certain coaching is that while the facts may be right, what they’re telling you is factually correct. And in, you know, these are business best practices, right? Because it doesn’t, doesn’t take a lot to open a book to do this. The question is how, just like the tennis coach, as you’re saying, how are you going to get somebody to actually implement, you can tell somebody all you want, you got to answer the phones. But unless there’s somebody there is looking and saying, well, you know, are you listening to recorded calls? Well, you don’t have time for we’re going to make sure somebody’s doing that. There’s a certain amount of sort of interference that if you just give best business practice, at the highest level, it sounds good, and you’re going to know more than the person, they’re going to hire you. But it’s not going to move the ball forward nearly as much as if you’re there to say, hey, you’re not taking the racket back far enough. And if you don’t, it’s not going to happen.

Chad Dudley 21:33

Yeah, again, keep, with this, the analogy is that, if, if the only time you’re playing tennis is during our lesson, then you’re not gonna get great fast, right? The goal is if, if we we spend that time, we hit the highlights, we correct some stuff we make, you know, we discuss it, but then in between, you got to put in the repetition, you got to put in the work, and you got to do those things. And then I tell firms on the on the front end going look, I don’t do any contracts, it’s it’s it’s month to month, you know, I ask them to commit for usually a quarter at a time just to, for planning purposes only, just to plan my schedule. But I’m like, look if this ain’t a good fit for you. You can stop at any time. But also, if it’s not a good fit for me, I’m also going to do the same thing like wait, what? You might fire me? I’m like, what I mean by that is, this is work. There’s no silver bullet, there’s no [inaudible] F. If, you know, someone else said it’s not my quote, but another consultant said it, is if I start caring about the success of your firm, more than you do, I’m out.

Seth Price 22:40

Jay, before you go, I got one follow-up to that, which is okay. But you’ve done this primarily on a one-on-one basis. Yes, you have your Accelerate, your firm’s seminar coming up in Vegas. But generally, can this be done at scale? When you see an organization, like? How do you, like how can you take a large number of people, the coaching agencies want to make money. How do you take the numbers and then bring it down to something with accountability and follow through?

Chad Dudley 23:10

Yeah, for a very few select firms, usually what I’ll do is, if I’m coaching or, or Mickey Love is coaching, we’re working with either the owner owners, or sometimes their executive team. And we’ll have meetings like one-offs with attorneys, or legal assistants or case managers or, different people, but most of the time, we’re working with the owners and the executive team. And those are good, we’re, there’s been select situations where people are like, look, we want, you know, full on support. And in addition to Mickey and myself, we’ll have we have two attorneys, two case managers, operations, people, marketing people that will kind of all come in collectively, and really try to make things happen quickly, because one of the concerns is, well, you know, is this gonna put extra work on my, my top people’s plate? And the answer is, well, in theory, the things we’re working are the most important things at the firm, and yeah, it’s tough, but they should carve out time for this. There’s other parts of it that it does help to have, that’s why we came up with the name of the company, Accelerator, is that we believe that, you know, put them on there, and we’ll get you there quicker, right, grow fast, grow smart. And that’s and so we’ll do that. And we do a different sort of arrangement with that. Those are, in those situations we do ask for longer-term commitments, because we’re putting, you know, a full team behind what we’re doing to make it happen. And we’re confident the results. It just takes time.

Jay Ruane 24:48

So Chad, I got a, I got a question for you.

Chad Dudley 24:50


Jay Ruane 24:51

I would assume, and correct me if I’m wrong, that the majority of people that you work with are coming from established PI firms. People don’t call you up and say I want to start a firm, how do I do it the right way?

Chad Dudley 25:01


Jay Ruane 25:01

So you’re dealing with people who’ve got an existing practice? And now they want to make it better. Right?

Chad Dudley 25:09

Not, believe it or not, not totally.

Jay Ruane 25:12

Oh, ok!

Chad Dudley 25:13

So, you know, again, I’m, I’ve gotten to work with some really amazing firms. And one of the things I’ll say is that from the absolute best, largest, most profitable, successful firm I’ve ever worked with, to the least successful, I’ve learned something from every single firm. And I go in there with that mentality. So I’m always looking.

Jay Ruane 25:38

So the question I have for you is, how do you help owners deal with change management in that they’ve come to you, they want to get things right and going in a particular direction. But sometimes they have legacy employees, legacy systems, you know, people who’ve been with them for a decade or more, who haven’t necessarily bought into the changes that the owner has. And how do you help them overcome that? Because I hear, you know, from people that are in the audience, they’re saying, you know, I’ve had, you know, Bill or Patsy, my paralegal who’s been with me, since it was just me, now, I want to be a better business person. But I’ve never been a better business person. I’ve never focused on these things. And now I’m asking them to pay attention to details they’ve never had to pay attention to, do things in a systemic way that they’ve never had to do. How do you help people overcome that? Because that would seem to be a huge challenge, because you’re not just focusing on the owner who’s being coached. But you have to help them coach their people, because you can’t interact with everybody at a firm every day like they are.

Chad Dudley 26:47

Yeah. Another great question. So the the first thing, and it’s why it’s part of the assessment is understanding like, what’s the dynamic? What’s, what’s the dynamic that you’re entering? And there’s a great book, it’s called the first 90 days, it’s a Harvard Business Review book, it is a fantastic book has got so much great stuff. And one of the concepts in there that, that is really good is it talks about what sort of stage or life, what, what phase is a business in that applies to law firms in they call it stars, and stars? Is it in a startup? Is it in a turnaround? Is it accelerated growth, is it realignment, or sustaining success, right? And so I’ve used that concept because it is different. And there’s so much, it’s a different dynamic. So startup, you know, usually law fir- applying it to our practice, I would say at startups, you know, a firm that’s less than less than three years old. A turnaround, I would categorize a firm is making less than 5% profit year over year. Accelerated growth is a firm that’s typically growing in excess of 50%. Year over year, like crazy growth and those are firms, usually smaller than less than, less than 10 million. They can see some crazy growth numbers. But you sometimes you spot those in higher numbers where they’re just growing rapidly. realignment, typically firms are somewhere between 5%, net profit to 20-ish, where, all right, they’re profitable, but they can do better. And then, you know, I say up to 25%. And then the sustaining success or the firm’s are like, you know, they’re doing great, they’re doing awesome. They’re just trying to continue to grow. And that’s usually, you know, 25% net profit year over year. And I can talk about when I say net profit, what I mean by that, and there’s a whole, that’s a whole nother conversation. But those are some general guidelines. And the reason I bring that up is that by going to a firm, and it’s a startup or turnaround, I call that you know, your that’s your’re hunting. You every day you go leave the cave, you got to go kill something and bring it back or people don’t eat. I mean, that’s, it’s a different environment. So you’re operating quick. And to answer your question, if I meet with one of those firms I’ve been, I’ve been called in for startups, I’ve been called in for turnarounds. If you go into that situation, like we gotta move quick, there’s a lot at stake every single day. If we don’t make things happen, you know, people get fired. And it’s a different environment. There’s less patience, there’s less. And it’s just that’s the environment. Now, when you get into a realignment, or sustaining success, especially sustaining success firms, well, you got, you can, not that you don’t, you’re still doing the stuff. You just have more time to do it. And you’re also your first role is do no harm. Right? If you have a sustaining success firm, you don’t want to, you you can make changes, but they usually have the right people in place. They got a good team, and they’re just trying to get better. You’re, those are the firms that you’re, running a four minute mile and you’re trying to shave a second off. You trying to, it’s a different mentality and there, you first seek to understand so if the first one is hunting, this is like growing crops, you have time to be patient. And that changes how you deal with the people within the organization, right? Where way more patients chill out, you have time to develop leaders you have time to, you know, work with them. Startup and turnarounds like, you got to move quick. And there’s less patience and accelerated growth, you’re trying to slow things down. You just everyone feels like their hair’s on fire. And things are breaking every day, I always say, all the systems and processes you put in place, a lot of them break every time you double, from 10 to 20 employees and 20 to 40, 40 to 80, and a lot of firms get stuck in that 40 to 80 employee stuff. And they kind of turn back, you know, we talked about what do you want to be a lot of them hit that that milestone and go, you know, what I thought I wanted to be I don’t want, I’m gonna head back this way. And I hope does that answer your question? Like, it’s just a different style, depending on where the firm is at, because, and that’s what I need to know. I don’t get, firms will come in, and they’ll say, hey, look, Chad can you just look at our intake. I’m like, I will, but I need to know this stuff. And I do the assessment anyways. Because, you know, I early on in my career, I would be looking at intake, and the vibe was so different, like, going, oh, we can’t make payroll. Oh, that’s why you want me to look at intake? Well, let’s just look at the whole thing. Because I can’t solve this one piece without understanding the environment that I’m working in.

Seth Price 31:35

Chad, chad. This is, this is awesome. Like you’ve made a big impact on my firm, on me personally, I think, we have not scratched the surface of Chad Dudley here. When you start going into the fact that, and part of your consulting philosophy is there’s so much gold within firms, within cases, that the average firm is just barely scratching the surface on. You know, it is, it is something that just like Mickey’s talks on, on dashboards and KPIs, it took me about four years of listening to it, before I can start actually implementing it. But thankfully, or, have moved far, far along on that journey, would not be there but for you guys.

Chad Dudley 32:15

Thank you. Thank you, very kind.

Jay Ruane 32:17

Yeah, this has been great for me. I’m really, I already texted my assistant and told her get me that book. So-

Chad Dudley 32:23

There you go. Yes.

Jay rane 32:24

Like I’m down here. You can see my fingers furiously going. And I’m trying, to be you know, a touch typer and get it on my phone. So thank you so much for being with us.

Seth Price 32:32

Right. So we got a conference coming up in Vegas in a few months.

Chad Dudley 32:36


Jay Ruane 32:36

Yeah, tell us about that.

Seth Price 32:37

The book is coming out, lots of exciting stuff. So when the book comes out, let’s have you back on to talk about the book.

Chad Dudley 32:42

Yeah, yeah, the books coming out. It’s called The Dudley Disciplines. It’s gonna, it’s what, 10 disciplines that you guys can implement at your firm to, it’s just from working with firms all over, you know, throughout the years. Big firms, little firms, what are the 10 things I see they get right. And- it’s uh,

Seth Price 33:02

Basically the Jim Collins the Good to Great of Law.

Chad Dudley 33:06

I hope so. Hope that’s what turns out to be but that’s what it is. And yeah, looking forward to get that out. And then with Accelerator, we’re putting on a conference and, again, how to continue to grow your firm, how to continue to make your firm, better www.lawfirmxcelerator.com is where you can get more information regarding the things that we’re putting on there. And in addition, if you go to www.lawfirmxcelerator.com, you can sign up for the, our, the Dudley DeBosier bookshelf, which is all the books that I read, I love reading, I take notes, and my notes, the book I just mentioned, the first 90 days, there’s my cheat sheet and that’s, it’s, it’s a lot, but you can just go there, download-

Seth Price 33:47

As voracious a reader, we can figure out if is it worth to pick up the book after reading the Dudley book notes.

Chad Dudley 33:54

There you go. There you go. There you go. So-

Seth Price 33:56

This is perfect. I’m going to be sitting at a ball field tonight. And I’m going to download that stuff and have it with me for when my kids not up at bat or in the field. This is, I’m excited. This has made my day.

Chad Dudley 34:08

Thank you. Thank you. All right.

Jay Ruane 34:09

Awesome. Chad, thank you so much for being with us. Folks. That’s gonna do it for us here on The Law Firm Blueprint. Of course you can take us anywhere you want to go by joining us and downloading our podcast to take on the golf course you can be with us in our law firm Facebook group, The Law Firm Blueprint, where we go live every Thursday, 3pm Eastern, 12pm Pacific, that’s going to do it for us. I’m Jay Ruane. He is Seth Price. Bye for now. Thank you guys.

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