Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) focuses on helping a webpage rank better on a search engine results page (SERP). This is often achieved by developing and optimizing a website for a search engine algorithm.

There are many different search engines that businesses, law firms, and organizations can use to connect with users online. While the most frequently used search engine is Google, other engines can also provide beneficial results for websites looking to increase their digital presence.

Because search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to deliver optimal results to users, it is crucial that optimization tactics adhere to digital marketing best practices. SEO is not a sprint but a marathon – an ongoing process that takes continued dedication and innovation to build an effective (and lasting) online presence.

By implementing SEO best practices, a business or organization can build brand recognition, online authority, and increase incoming leads.

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Elements of Search Engine Optimization

There are many different factors that Google and other search algorithms consider when ranking and displaying websites. The core components of a solid and built-out SEO strategy include:

With a combination of these elements applied thoughtfully to an SEO strategy, a website can be optimized so that a search engine understands critical information about it. From proper URL structure and a depth of content to authentic networking and an optimized Google Business Profile (GBP), these techniques can all lead to higher rankings on the SERP and a more lasting online presence.

The Two Types of SEO

There are two primary classifications of SEO: on-page and off-page. Putting time, effort, and thought into both are often crucial to rankings.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO encompasses actions that help optimize a page on your website as best as possible to increase rank and conversions. This includes properly keywording pages, utilizing engaging headings, and writing accurate and engaging meta descriptions that help search engine crawlers better understand your website and the services you offer.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO describes actions that can be taken elsewhere on the web that, in turn, help your site perform better. For example, content marketing with the purpose of driving traffic via backlinks is often an effective marketing strategy.

Start Developing Your Online Presence Today

Search engine optimization is an ever-evolving process, requiring innovation and flexibility through an intelligent blend of on-page and off-page SEO strategies. However, by always following best practices and continuing to be in it for the long haul, your site can make an authentic and lasting impression online.

At BluShark Digital, we pride ourselves on understanding the landscape of SEO for lawyers and other companies. We have studied what makes a website perform well in any search result and work tirelessly to optimize our client’s sites for their area of focus. To get started on developing your online presence today, call us for a consultation.

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