BluShark Digital 0:00
Welcome to The Conference Connection, your go to place to get the scoop on what conferences are coming up that you need to know about. Here are your hosts Paul Faust, President of RingBoost. And Seth Price, founder of BluShark Digital, and managing partner of Price Benowitz.
Paul Faust 0:01
Hey, how you doing! Paul Faust, Seth Price here with another episode of The Conference Connection here bringing you all the latest greatest, what conferences are coming up, where they are, who’s hosting them, and why you should go. We also have a special guest today, but I’ll let Seth introduce himself too. And then we’ll go from there.
Seth Price 0:14
We got Tim from Vista. And Tim has been a dear friend for a number of years runs a really, really great group, that parachutes into law firms, helps figure out where things are dysfunctional, and actually works on fixing those. In addition to that he along with Bill Biggs have this incredible leadership summit, which is coming up, which I’ve been to multiple times spoken at multiple times, really an incredible group of people. And what I think is amazing about it is not only is it high level content, but people bring their teams and the team gets empowered along with the principals. So Tim, tell us a little bit about what you got planned for this leadership summit.
Tim McKey 0:54
Yeah, well, look, thank you both for the kind words. I am, I’m encouraged. We’ve got a great event coming up. It’s the VISTA Law Firm Leadership Summit that Bill Biggs, part of our team, hosts with us. We’ve got a tremendous lineup of leaders that are going to be speaking, and emerging leaders. We’ve got some outside of the industry speakers that we’re very excited about. And we got some inside the industry speakers who were fortunate enough to get to our event. It’s all about leadership and still one of Bill Biggs’ taglines is that every problem is a leadership problem. And this event is totally focused on providing leaders support, providing emerging leaders skill sets, and characteristics for them to reach for. It’s not just for the top of the pyramid law firm executives or owners. It’s for the emerging leader in your paralegal department, the emerging leader, in your, in your demand writing department, or whatever it happens to be, in your intake department. This is all about how to do it, how to gain followers and how to have influence. And we’re pretty pumped about it. The two outside the industry speakers that we have this year is Mark Sanborn, and that name may be familiar, he wrote a book called The Fred Factor. And several, and I’ll say many, but other books, but The Fred Factor I read in like 2005. And it’s had just a great influence on my life. And also Rachael Druckenmiller, who is a TED talk veteran, keynote speaker, and her target is all about le-leadership. And now I’m gonna say, she happens to be female. But it’s not just about female leadership. You know, I believe that there’s a dearth of that in our industry. We also have several leaders, female leaders in the industry that will be talking as well. So I’m just, just pumped about it. One last thing, and then I’ll move on is we have Chris Seeger, who’s a name partner in Seeger Weiss, huge mass tort firm. We’ve done a good bit of work with Chris and his firm. He doesn’t get out and speak much, I had to twist his arm a little bit to get him here. But he not only leads MDLs and then the lawyer part if you will, in the legal industry, at a very high level, he was the lead, lead on NFL, concussion, Vioxx with Lanier, you know, just huge in that. But Chris also leads the firm, he leaves the business side of that he has people that he works with that report to him, but he is a very good business guy as well. And we’re gonna zero in on that.
Paul Faust 3:27
So Tim if you could briefly, briefly let people know, where is the event? Dates? How do they register, are there still spots open? How do they get in? Call us, just let people know how they can join the event.
Tim McKey 3:57
There are definitely only spots open. We’re at the Aria in Las Vegas, April 29th- May 1st, that’s upcoming in two weeks. Go to our website, which is the best place to sign up. It is That’s Vista consulting, You can get right in there’s plenty of spots available. Unfortunately, our room block is out, but there is, there are rooms available at the Aria.
Seth Price 4:32
Well Paul will just sleep at Carbone. So I think that’s okay for him.
Paul Faust 4:36
Seth Price 4:36
But we, you know, I gotta say that we did exactly that, we had our head of intake and head of ops come out. And it really was empowering. They both happen to be female, but they really got, got a lot out of it. And they came back pumped and it was definitely a seminal moment in their growth. And secondly, not to take anything away from Tim, but I just had the pleasure of spending last Friday with Bill Biggs at a mastermind. And anytime you get with Bill is just amazing. So the fact that you’re gonna get an adulterated Bill for, you know, a good chunk of time is worth the flight out.
Tim McKey 5:09
We’re tickled to death about that. I’m gonna say one other thing that’s going to be very interesting is my friend Ken Hardison of PILMMA, of PILMMA fame. He and I are going to be talking about the last 15 years of this industry. You know, he and I started our businesses about the same time. And what we’ve seen change. This is the, the actual title is not just leadership summit, it’s disrupt or be disrupted.
Seth Price 5:37
Love it.
Tim McKey 5:38
And we’re going to, Ken and I are going to talk a lot about what we’ve seen change over the years. And what is is coming into existence now and a look into the future. So I’m really pumped about the long weekend.
Paul Faust 5:50
That is great. We’re gonna try and have Ken on the next episode, maybe later this week or next week, because PILMMA is coming up in New Orleans, in May, one of the great summits, people always ask, I will be at VISTA and PILMMA. People always ask me, are you speaking? Yes, I will be speaking at Vista. I’ll be speaking in the hallway, in the bathroom, at the bar. Anytime you see me I will be speaking, the only spot I will not be speaking, um, is the stage. So yes, you can come see me speak. Prolly both of those. So I’m excited to be there. Please. These are the important people, important conferences to be at. It’s not just the speakers. It’s the attendees. It’s any vendor sponsors. It’s the holistic group of what this industry is about. I encourage you to be there. I look forward to seeing everybody there. Please register. Reach out. If you have any more questions reach out to me, Seth, Tim, let’s get let’s get out everyone out there.
Tim McKey 6:38
Thank you so much, guys. It’s a pleasure. I’m looking forward to seeing you out there and the rest of the attendees. It’ll be it’ll be a blast.
Paul Faust 6:46
Thank you so much Tim.
Tim McKey 6:48
BluShark Digital 6:39
Thank you for tuning in to The Conference Connection. Make sure to hit subscribe if you haven’t already. And we will see you for our next episode.