Google Ranking Factors

When determining your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy, it is important to understand Google ranking factors. These are multi-faceted aspects of a search query that are affected by a website or an individual page of content. The Google algorithm considers all these aspects and pages when determining how search results will be presented.

Google has stated that their algorithm examines over 200 factors when determining page rankings, and that each one of these could have as many as 50 variations, all contributing to thousands of ranking signals that Google examines.

However, not all ranking factors are given the same weight when evaluating pages. Because of this, focusing on the Google ranking factors could lead to powerful results on your rankings and online presence.

Ranking Through Backlinks

Some digital marketing experts argue that backlinks, also referred to as inbound links, are the most important ranking factor for Google. These are links on other websites that, when clicked, direct users back to your site.

Having authoritative and high-quality sources link to your website indicates to Google that you are a credible source of information. Building a diverse link profile from trustworthy sources could result in an increase in the overall performance and ranking of a website – making it a crucial factor to consider.

An SEO team like BluShark Digital could help a business establish an effective link portfolio through a number of techniques, from driving authoritative backlinks through campaigns and content creation, to removing links from untrustworthy sites.

Keyword Intent

Another critical ranking factor for Google is keyword intent. Keyword intent refers to the part of a search query that may indicate why a searcher is looking for information. Once the Google algorithm identifies the intention of the search, the search engine then displays pages that best match the search query. There are 4 broad categories of keyword intent: informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial.

Searches with informational intent are usually educational in nature, with a user looking to learn more about a subject. Examples include a Google search for weather forecasts or information on a topic. Conversely, navigational searches are those where a user is looking for a specific website or page, including branded searches (for example, googling “McDonalds” or “Netflix”).

Transactional intent refers to searches where a user is looking for more information about a product that they might purchase. Examples include searches for reviews or comparisons between two similar products (think “iPhone vs. Android”). Lastly, users who search with commercial intent may have a strong intention to purchase a product – where keywords may include “buy”, “hire”, or “Deals on…”

Other Important Ranking Factors for Google

In addition to backlinks and keyword intent, there are many other important factors that could have an impact on your website’s ranking on Google. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

Learn More About Optimizing Your Site for Google Ranking Factors

While some ranking factors have a greater impact than others, each could help increase the performance of a website or specific webpage. The innovative search engine optimization team at BluShark Digital are experienced in implementing the right factors to help your business. To learn more about how we could increase your digital presence, contact us today.