Google’s March 2023 Broad Core Update Rollout Has Completed
As of March 28, 2023, the Google March 2023 broad core update, which was the first core update of the year, has officially finished its rollout. This update launched on March 15 and took 13 days to complete.
Why These Updates are Important
Google core updates often have a huge impact on all types of businesses and organizations and can affect how your site performs in search results. Any change in rankings caused by a core update can also impact your traffic, conversion rates, and overall revenue. This particular core update was said to have had a significantly large impact compared to previous core updates by the SEO industry. Many SEO professionals reported sudden fluctuations in their organic traffic since the update first began its rollout.
It’s crucial to know when Google makes these updates to stay on top of any significant changes that may occur in your rankings and traffic. Now that the rollout has ended, it’s a good idea to check your analytics to see how the update affected your business and if you need to make any changes or improvements on your end. If this particular update negatively impacted you, Google has stated that it doesn’t necessarily mean anything is “wrong” with your web pages and that you may see a bit of a recovery period between core updates. However, the biggest change you will see next is typically after the next core update rolls out.
Contact BluShark Digital Today To Stay Informed
It’s essential to stay up-to-date with all of Google’s various changes and algorithm updates to know what steps you may need to take to keep or improve your rankings. As Google continues to roll out these broad core updates, having a team of SEO professionals to keep you informed and ready for any important changes is crucial for your business. For more information, contact BluShark Digital today to learn more about how we can work through any major update or change to your rankings.