Google Launches Visual Guide to Search Elements

Are you curious about the different types of elements that can appear on a Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP)? Good news! Google has just launched a visual guide to help you understand the most common search results features.

Elements in Google Search Results

The guide includes illustrations and definitions of the following elements.


These are the brief descriptions of web pages that appear under the page’s title in search results. They are intended to give users a summary of the page’s content and help them decide whether the page is relevant to their search. Snippets are created by Google’s algorithms and are based on the content of the webpage. They are typically around 160 characters and may include information such as the page’s title, URL, and a brief summary of the page’s content.

Rich Results

These are search results that include additional information or formatting beyond a traditional text snippet, such as images, videos, or structured data. Rich results are designed to provide users with a more engaging and interactive search experience. They may appear for a variety of types of queries, including recipes, products, events, and more. To be eligible for rich results, a web page must be marked up with structured data.

Knowledge Panels

These are boxes that appear on the right side of the search results page and provide additional information about a specific topic or entity. Knowledge panels are created by Google’s algorithms and are based on information from a variety of sources, including Wikipedia, government agencies, and other authoritative websites. They may include information such as a description, images, links to related websites, and more.

Featured Snippets

These are special search results that appear at the top of the search results page and provide a brief summary of the answer to a user’s question. Featured snippets are designed to provide users with a quick and easy answer to their question without the need to click through to a webpage. They may appear for a variety of types of queries, including questions, definitions, and more. To be eligible for a featured snippet, a web page must be marked up with structured data.

Learn More about Google’s Visual Guide

Google’s visual guide is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn more about how Google search works and how to optimize their website for better visibility in search results. If you’re a business looking to improve your online presence, BluShark Digital can help. Our team of experts can assist with everything from SEO and PPC advertising to social media marketing and website design.

Optimizing your website for better visibility in search results is important because it can help you reach more potential customers and drive traffic to your website. By understanding the different types of elements that can appear on a SERP, you can tailor your website and content to Google’s algorithms and increase your chances of appearing in search results.

Next time you’re wondering what a snippet is or how to get your website to appear as a featured snippet, be sure to check out Google’s visual guide. It’s a helpful tool for anyone looking to improve their search skills and get the most out of Google.